Altered Time and Liminal Space, or upon Arriving at Heathrow Airport

As John Neuhoff’s readings for the Hales Group reminded us, our apprehension of time changes depending on our pscyhological state. Jet lag and the claustrophobic space of airlines can add to the subjectivity of time.  But, despite the usual mishaps, the flight went well (there was even leg room in Economy–but, yes, the touch screens in American Airlines are awful), and we managed the usual rats-in-a-maze experience of being swept along seemingly endless, bland, meandering  corridors of Heathrow Airport before becoming stranded at the exit, as we fruitlessly searched for the van driver who was taking us to our hotel.  Thanks to Tom’s background in linguistics, he figured out that the sign reading “Mr. Tam Frefe” was in fact an alias for “Ms. Pam Frese,” and we finally made it to the hotel, commenting on how “Frefe,” in the Middle Ages would indeed have meant “Frese.”


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